Nathan'ette Burdine's The Nyle Magazine

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Dude chilaxing and reading a book while sitting in the snow;
Folks living around
the Montana and
Idaho mountains
were chilling while
the rest of us
were sizzling
Steven Whitecloud Old Bank Robber in Montana;
An octogenarian confessed to telling
a Zoomer to rob banks to make money
Dude using a fire extinguisher;
Two adults stopped kids from smoking by spraying the fire extinguisher on the kids’ cigarettes

Angus Beef Patties Valley Meats LLC;

Angus Beef Patties Valley Meats LLC

There is a recall on Angus Beef
from Valley Meats, LLC, due
to the E. Coli in it
by Nathan'ette Burdine: January 4, 2024

Throw away that Angus Beef from Valley Meats, LLC! That mess has mess, E.Coli 0157:H7, resting comfortably in its crevices!

Y’all read it right! You get E.Coli 0157:H7 whenever you don’t wash your hands after letting out number twos.

What happens is that folks who don’t wash their hands after number twoing, end up eating their number twos whenever they eat their food.

Simply put, you infect yourself with your own shit! Nasty, it is! Downright disgusting!

The best way to tell if you’re one of the people who infected yourself with your own doo-doo is if you’re stomaching is badly cramping, you’re doo-doo is loose and or bloody, and you’re throwing up all over the place. Folks tend to recover on their own. But if they don’t, they risk kidney failure and or death. Therefore, if you don’t want any of that to happen to you, then you need to wash your hands after using the bathroom.

You also need to see if you have some of that Angus Beef from Valley Meats, LLC, and then look on the package for the production date and the establishment (EST) number. Specifically, y’all need to see if there’s a production date of December 22, 2023, and an establishment number listed as “EST.5712.”

According to the folks over at the USDA, you’ll know you’re looking at the establishment number when you see a circle, on the package, with the following words: “U.S. INSPECTED AND PASSED BY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EST.5712.”

Remember, wash your hands after using the bathroom and throw out that Angus Beef from Valley Meats, LLC!

Nasty devils!


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